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Lancaster Lit Fest fights back from funding threat

The Lancashire organisation has survived a funding crisis which threatened its work county wide, to become involved in the Preston scheme to bring writers to the town.

"A good public response from local people" had stopped Lancaster City Council from axing funding in its latest budget review, said Lit Fest Artistic Director Andy Derby. The organisation had feared that any cut in council funding would have a knock-on effect on other sources of revenue, such as the North West Arts board. Last year their total turnover was £105K, much of that coming from funding for specific projects.

They are now focussing on developing literary activities in Preston, having recently received a report on the subject from HM Prison Preston's Writer in Residence Iain MacDonald.

Despite what the name Lancaster Lit Fest may suggest, the organisation have a desire and a remit to develop literary activities across Lancashire. The recent 'New Page' project was based in the Wyre and Ribble Valley area. A forthcoming county-wide project, 'Trade Off' involving writing and music, will commission local artists Ron Baker and Sarah Fisk to take their inspiration from the region's maritime history.

"Our long term aim is to get audiences for all kinds of work" said Andy Derby, but he admits that famous name writers like Carol Ann Duffy will always attract an audience more easily. The aim is to "continue the level of interest" raised by the flagship events.

"The project is in it's early days: there's a will for literary activities but no set vision. A lot will depend on the programming policy at the University".

With the University's Daniel Lamont already hoping to attract the Poet Laureate Andrew Motion, expectations are high. But it remains to be seen whether the same audiences will be attracted to new work and local writers.

In Venue: "Poetry partnership integral to Arts Centre's future"




In this section
Index: new literature plan for Preston

Lancaster Lit Fest: fights back from funding threat

Grass roots writers: creative writing in Preston


External Links

Lancaster Lit Fest

North West Arts



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